Saturday, May 11, 2013

“Bag It” Movie Review

Title: Bag It
Director: Suzan Berazahelle hill
Producers: Judith Kohin, Mic
Writer: Michelle Curry Wright
Stars: Jeb Berrier, Jared Blumenfeld, Martin Bourque
Run Time: 74 minutes
“Bag It” is a kind of documentary film which talk about plastics and how it influence human life also the effect of plastic bags. This movie revolves around Jeb Berrier. When human life is too much plastic, so what happen?
In this movie, plastic is a big problem because it gives bad effect toward human life. People use plastic bags too much and most of them don’t care about the risk of that. Plastic bags are very dangerous for the ecosystem because it is difficult to become disentangled. That’s why Berrier the movie gives the lesson from his speech to effectively using plastic bag and changes it with shopping bag which is more health and safe for nature. As the movie presents, Berrier said that plastic is from incredible material that can be dangerous to the future because of the chemical impact which can disturb human healthiness. Unfortunately people use plastic bags nearly a trillion and being the band around the world and it increase the rubbish, but people should change their idea about how better not to use plastic too much. “Think more”
The movie is interesting to show the world that the effect of plastic is dangerous and better to changes the habitually use plastic bags. Better to use the natural tools to have the healthy life-style.  
This movie teaches about how to change the life-style in the simple way, and it is suggest to all ages.

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